Monday, November 19, 2012

Taking an Indefinite Holiday...

I started the Galveston Gardening Blog back in March of 2009. Since then I’ve sent out over 150 posts on a wide range of topics, including info on local gardening events and activities. Also, a small group of gardening enthusiasts began the Galveston Gardening Happy Hour. A great little monthly get together for discussing gardening -  while enjoying a beverage of choice. Many thanks to Glynda Oglesby and the Wizard for hosting these events.

I never really understood “why” I was blogging. I guess it filled some inner-need to express myself. Or maybe I was just bored. Anyway, like so many other things in life - things change, priorities evolve and new stuff happens. With the holidays coming up, a busy travel schedule, plus the addition of our new grand baby, I’ve decided to take an indefinite holiday from Galveston Gardening. 

I’ll leave the blog and facebook page up but won't be checking in on a regular basis. After things settle down some I may try to get GG going again. Meanwhile, please accept my thanks and appreciation for reading and commenting on GG.
