For the past 2-3 years I've been the victim of teasing, ridicule and cruel remarks by my "so called" friends - simply because my banana tree is smaller than most. When I purchased a dwarf tree I expected it to reach a height of 5'-6'. A respectable size for a banana tree, planted in our small yard. However, the specimen I selected has now been in the ground for over 3 years and elevated itself to (not quite) 3' tall. Oh, and BTW - no bananas. Call me the eternal optimist but I keep waiting for it to "take off." I hate to give up on the little guy because the plant is extremely healthy - but it just seems to be the runt of the banana tree litter.

Meantime, my "friends" (you know who you are) seem to be some kind of banana whispers. Their trees grow like frickin weeds and produce more bananas than they can consume. Of course I'm always interested in the successes of fellow gardeners and appreciative of the "constructive" information they pass along to us relative newcomers to the banana game. But I'm not sure that's their only intension - if you know what I mean...
So go ahead. Make fun of me and my little banana. But as everyone knows - size really doesn't matter!!!